Initial Intake Appointment

Schedule a 20 min consultation call w/ Clay Edgin for $59

Start here to get the protocols you need!

During this call we’ll go over medical history, choose the most appropriate protocols for your specific needs, and guide you through general set-up and use of the device and the iCare-PEMF app.

How to Place an Order

  1. Schedule an Initial Intake Appointment:
    You might be unsure how to select the best protocols for your needs, and that's normal! Book a 20 minute personalized intake appointment and we'll guide you through the selection process.
  2. Purchase the Device:
    Add the iCare device to your cart and go through the checkout process.
  3. Seamless Onboarding:
    After completing your purchase, keep an eye on your inbox for an onboarding email. This email contains step-by-step instructions on how to install and activate the iCare-PEMF app.
  4. Plug & Play:
    Once your iCare Device arrives, simply plug it into your phone and select a protocol from your list. It's that easy!
  5. Explore More Protocols:
    Can't find the specific protocol you need? We offer over 300 additional protocols not listed on our website. Plus, we can create custom protocols at no extra charge. Reach out to us for more information.